Mrs. Kate King

Kate was previously an Intergenerational Missioner for Hereford Diocese and Bridgnorth Parish, based in Shropshire where she was raised. Having trained and worked as a Civil and Structural Engineer in Manchester and Birmingham, Kate returned ‘home’ to Shropshire to join her family language school. Here she is settled very happily with her husband Steve and toddler James.

Kate has had the privilege of working across all three sectors in community consultation, as a language teacher and later as a qualified maths teacher supporting vulnerable young people in care.

Despite being a regular church attendee all of her life, it took until her 30s (and significant experience of loss through which she had significant encounters with God) to come fully to faith. Kate was called into lay leadership in her village church and only then understood the power of prayer and the reality of God. The experience of the gathered church and village school there has been one of dying away to embers and then being fanned into flame by the powerful work of Holy Spirit.
Kate has subsequently been called into the most exciting ministry of truly valuing all God’s people through Intergenerational Mission. The unusual opportunity to be a diocesan employee embedded in parish with the freedom to share learning is a powerful one. Kate has experienced the joy of stepping out in faith, developing faith based groups and watching Holy Spirit show up again and again! She feels incredibly privileged and blessed to have been invited to join the Trustees of ReSource to prayerfully and actively support others in understanding, discerning and experiencing the same in little, local and ordinary churches across the Diocese, the Country and ultimately the World.